Program > Demo session

Tool Demonstration session

We are organizing a tool demonstration session on Thurday, july 1st at 15:30. If you would like to present a tool please send us an email at with the following informations :

  • The name of the tool with a short description
  • The names of the authors
  • A reference paper or a website address

fcaR, a package that implements the core notions and methods of FCA in the R programming language

It is the first implementation of FCA tools in R, covering aspects such as managing the formal context, the concept lattice, and using implications by means of the simplification logic. This tool is designed to cover the essential parts of classical FCA, but also to be applied to fuzzy (graded) formal contexts. Currently, this tool has more than 10000 downloads from the R official repository.

Authors: P. Cordero , M. Enciso, D. López-Rodríguez and Á. Mora (Universidad de Málaga)


Galactic: A new and generic plateforme computing concepts from complex and heterogeneous data

For those who want to install and test Galactic during the demonstration, you will need to be under Linux or Mac. For Windows, the installer is still under test. However, you can try to install Galactic for windows before the demo following the instructions given here (

Authors: C. Demko - K. Bertet (University of La Rochelle, France)


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