The slides of the two tutorials are available
Proceedings are available on Springer website
Thanks to all attendees, invited speakers, session chairs, and authors for your participation. Next ICFCA will be in Kassel, Germany, July 17-21 2023.
The conference will use Zoom in its webinar configuration, only registered persons will receive a link. It is possible to register until Monday June 28.
Two tools will be presented during the Tool demonstration session. Proposals are still welcome.
The program has been made available on the website. Details on the workshop and session chairmen still to be announced.
ICFCA 2021 will be held as a virtual event. Registration is free, but required on this website. At least one author for each paper is required to register before May 31.
We have been made aware of scam attempts concerning the registration and accommodation for the conference for authors and invited speakers: a false program committee asks to pay quickly by paypal for registration and/or accommodation. We recommend to be careful about registration instructions that are not written on the conference website. In case of doubts, don't hesitate to contact us using the contact address in the menu bar.